Yelp Social Media Icon Echoes in Comedy Series Selfie

We all love social media – being able to follow celebrities and see what they are up to, find out what the latest gossip is in the news, and be able – in turn – to share our own news. As social media has become more and more popular, more website companies have introduced their own social media. For example, Yelp social media has been created, and some believe that it is truly one of the best ways to approach it that they have seen.

two actors in comedy series selfie

However, social media is now such a huge part of our lives that there are even television shows all about it! Take, for example, ‘Selfie’.

This sitcom, which stars Doctor Who ex-companion Karen Gillan as the star called Eliza, was based almost entirely around the way that social media interacts with our ‘normal’ lives.


Loads of people really loved it, and especially enjoyed watching the emerging and perhaps blossoming relationship that started to emerge between Eliza and her boss Henry, who was wonderfully played by the actor John Cho.


But the real star relationship in ‘Selfie’ was between Eliza and social media. One episode was entitled ‘A Little Yelp From My Friends’, which you can watch yourself on Hulu. It may have made many people blink twice because Yelp is not normally considered to be a social media website, but it definitely is now. By combining local reviews with social media, Yelp has hit upon a formula that is definitely working for them – their army of ‘Yelpers’ are continuing ‘to connect people with great local business’.


It is a shame really that the show was cancelled after its first season because a huge number of people wanted to see how it turned out between Eliza and Henry, but in a way it works: after all, social media trends come and go just as quickly.

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