How to Remove a Bad Review From Facebook

In today's digital world, online reviews are one of the most important ways for customers to judge a business before making a purchase. It's no secret that a bad review can negatively impact a business, especially if it's on a popular platform like Facebook.

worried businessman needing to know how to remove bad review from Facebook

However, with the right approach, it is possible to remove a bad review from Facebook. In this article, we'll discuss the steps you can take to remove bad reviews from Facebook and restore your business's reputation.

The Importance of Online Reviews

Online reviews can make or break a business. A single bad review can damage a business's reputation and turn potential customers away. On the other hand, positive reviews can increase a business's credibility and attract new customers.

In fact, studies have shown that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Therefore, it's important for businesses to actively manage their online reviews, especially on popular platforms like Facebook.

Reasons Why You Should Remove Bad Reviews from Facebook

There are several reasons why you should remove bad reviews from Facebook. Firstly, bad reviews can damage your business's reputation and turn potential customers away.

Secondly, Facebook displays your overall rating prominently on your business page, and a bad review can lower your rating. Finally, a bad review can be misleading or false, and removing it can prevent others from being misled.

Steps to Remove a Bad Review from Facebook

Here are the steps you can take to remove a bad review from Facebook:

Step 1: Evaluate the Review

Before taking any action, it's important to evaluate the review and determine whether it violates Facebook's community standards. Facebook allows users to report reviews that violate their community standards, which include:

  • Hate speech
  • Violence or threats
  • Harassment or bullying
  • Nudity or sexual activity
  • Spam or fake content
  • Impersonation or identity theft

If the review violates any of these standards, it can be reported to Facebook for removal.

Step 2: Respond to the Review

If the review does not violate Facebook's community standards, the next step is to respond to the review. It's important to respond professionally and address the customer's concerns. This can help to prevent further negative reviews and show potential customers that you value their feedback.

Step 3: Request Removal of the Review

If the review is false, misleading, or violates Facebook's community standards, it can be reported to Facebook for removal. To report a review, click on the three dots next to the review and select "Report post". Facebook will then review the report and determine whether the review should be removed.

What to Do If Facebook Doesn't Remove the Review

If Facebook does not remove the review, there are other steps you can take. Firstly, you can respond to the review and explain your side of the story. This can help to show potential customers that you take customer feedback seriously and are willing to address any concerns. Secondly, you can encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews to counteract the negative review.

Alternative Ways to Deal with Bad Reviews

Facebook provides businesses with the option to disable reviews altogether, although this may not be the best approach as it can also remove positive reviews. Another alternative is to reach out to the customer and try to resolve their issue privately. This can prevent the issue from escalating and potentially turning into a bad review.

Tips to Avoid Bad Reviews on Facebook

Prevention is always better than cure, and there are several things businesses can do to avoid bad reviews on Facebook. Firstly, it's important to provide quality products or services and ensure that customers are satisfied.

how to remove bad reviews on Facebook

Secondly, businesses can encourage customers to leave positive reviews by asking for feedback and providing incentives. Finally, it's important to respond to negative reviews promptly and professionally to prevent them from escalating.

Turn on Notifications

One of the best ways to manage negative reviews on Facebook is to be proactive. Turning on notifications allows you to monitor activity on your business page and address negative reviews immediately.

When you enable notifications, you’ll be alerted to new page mentions, page reviews, and post comments. This allows you to filter posts and tags immediately, reducing the risk of negative reviews causing harm to your business's reputation.

Engage with your Customers

Engaging with your customers is a crucial aspect of reputation management on Facebook. Whether you receive a good or bad recommendation, it's essential to respond to your customers to show that you value their feedback.

the importance of Facebook customer engagement

When it comes to bad reviews, you have the option to give feedback on the review by clicking on the three-dot icon on the right side of the review. This allows you to notify Facebook about the review and tag it as harassment, false news, hate speech, or any other appropriate category. Facebook may then review the post and potentially remove it if it violates their community standards.

Responding to negative reviews in a professional and courteous manner can also help turn a negative experience into a positive one. According to BrightLocal's Local Consumer Review Survey, "89% of consumers read businesses' responses to reviews." By responding to negative reviews, you demonstrate that you take customer feedback seriously and are committed to addressing any issues that arise.

Invest in Review Management Software

Investing in a review management software tool can help you manage and monitor comments and reviews on your Facebook business page. Review management software, such as Review Dingo, takes off the burden of always being on the lookout for fake and defamatory reviews. 

snapshot of Review Dingo dashboard showing how to lower the costs of business software

It promotes positive reviews about your business in the online community and boosts good reviews that might have gone unnoticed in the past. It also protects the business’s reputation from unfair or defamatory reviews based on the protocols they have on their system.

According to Inc. Magazine, "In today's always-connected world, businesses need a comprehensive strategy for managing their online reputation." Review management software can help businesses achieve this by providing automated solutions for gathering and managing customer feedback, as well as advanced analytics and reporting to monitor your online reputation.

In Summary

Dealing with negative reviews on Facebook can be a challenging task for any business. It requires a great deal of time and effort to monitor and respond to every comment or review left on your page. However, with the right approach, it is possible to remove bad reviews and restore your business's reputation.

There are other ways to deal with bad reviews on Facebook effectively, including turning on notifications, engaging with customers, reviewing visitor posts, and investing in reputation management software.

When it comes to dealing with negative reviews, it's important to remember that your response is crucial in maintaining your reputation online. According to BrightLocal's Local Consumer Review Survey, 89% of consumers read businesses' responses to reviews. Furthermore, 57% of consumers say that they will only use a business if it has four or more stars.

89% of consumers read businesses' responses to reviews. Furthermore, 57% of consumers say that they will only use a business if it has four or more stars. #onlinereviews #customerfeedback

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Therefore, it's important to respond to every review, both good and bad, in a professional and courteous manner. By doing so, you can show your customers that you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent customer service.

In addition, investing in review management software such as Review Dingo can be a game-changer for any business. By automating the customer feedback process and promoting positive reviews, businesses can improve their online reputation and attract more customers.

Overall, while managing negative reviews on Facebook can be a challenging task, it's important to remember that it's an essential part of maintaining your online reputation. By following the tips outlined in this article and investing in review management software, businesses can effectively manage bad reviews and maintain a positive online presence.


  1. Can I delete a bad review on Facebook?
    • No, you cannot delete a bad review on Facebook, but you can report it to Facebook for removal if it violates their community standards.
  2. How long does it take for Facebook to remove a review?
    • The time it takes for Facebook to remove a review varies, but it can take up to a week or more.
  3. Should I respond to a bad review on Facebook?
    • Yes, it's important to respond professionally to a bad review on Facebook to show potential customers that you value their feedback.
  4. Can I disable reviews on my Facebook page?
    • Yes, businesses can disable reviews on their Facebook page, but this may also remove positive reviews.
  5. How can I prevent bad reviews on Facebook?
    • To prevent bad reviews on Facebook, businesses should provide quality products or services, encourage positive reviews, and respond promptly to negative reviews.

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