Monthly Archives: March 2018

10 Surefire Tips for Maintaining a 5-Star Rating

laptop showing customer looking at a 5-star rating

10 Surefire Tips for Maintaining a 5-Star RatingIn today’s world, where online business and commerce have become the norm, maintaining a 5-star rating online has become essential for businesses across all industries. A 5-star rating not only signifies the quality of your products or services but also influences the purchasing decisions of potential customers.A Harvard […]

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Review Management vs Reputation Management: The Ultimate Showdown

Review Software vs. Reputation Management: What is better for Business?

Review Management vs. Reputation Management: The Ultimate ShowdownIn today’s digital age, businesses are highly dependent on their online presence to attract and retain customers. Online reviews and reputation management play a critical role in shaping a business’s image and success. However, many businesses are still confused about the differences between review management and reputation management. […]

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5 Tips to Get Authentic, Positive Online Reviews for your Business

customer leaving a business positive online reviews

5 Tips to Get Authentic, Positive Online Reviews for your BusinessHave you ever found yourself checking the Internet for positive online reviews of a restaurant before dining out? Unless you’re going to your staple favorite restaurant or have only one choice, you would agree.While online positive reviews play a critical role in our lives, from […]

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