Online Reputation in 3 Easy Steps That You Can Take Right Now

Deals can be made or lost through reputation, and that is something that businesses both large and small are still learning. A company’s online reputation can convince a new customer to join them, and a company’s bad reputation can send them running to the hills.

online reputation hurt from bad reviewsIt is usually easy to gain a good reputation for excellent products and careful customer service when you have a physical business, and can deal with any confusion or complaints in person.

Over the internet, however, it is much harder to realize when something has gone wrong, and easier for unruly customers to post bad reviews. Your online reputation is precious, and you need to ensure that you look after it constantly.


Take Control of Your Online Reputation

Online reputation is totally out of your hands…right? Wrong. It is possible, with a bit of work, to ensure that your online reputation stays at 5-stars. First of all you need to understand exactly what your online reputation is at the moment. Is it good, or are there common complaints that keep popping up? Remember that what you see, your potential customers will see.

Now you know what everyone is thinking, take action. Reply to bad reviews and try to see if their problem can be resolved, just as you would face to face with an unhappy customer. This effort usually sees people change their review from bad to good, once they realize that you truly care about their opinion. You should also make sure that happy customers put their good experiences on the internet so that your online reputation can increase. Using a good review management software can help you put this autopilot.

Lastly, share the good news! If you receive a positive review, share it on your website, on Twitter, with your Facebook fans. That will encourage them to recommend you to a friend, and you can look forward to more good reviews for your online reputation.

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