Tag Archives for " small business "

How to Upgrade Your Google Business Listing

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How to Upgrade Your Google Business ListingAs a business owner, your Google business listing also know as Google Business Profile (GBP) plays a huge role in how high your business will be ranked on Google search result pages.Besides appearing in the search engine results pages; a verified GBP also gives your business some credibility and […]

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How To Get 100 Reviews In 100 Days

How To Get 100 Reviews In 100 Days :15 Tips to get tons of great reviews! The increasing number of businesses and companies who fail to deliver what their clients need has made customers to always look for social proof when they are searching for dependable products and services to invest their money into. Therefore, […]

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Yelp Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Yelp logo with arrow pointing to the words Yelp reviews crackdown

Yelp Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The UglyAre you aware that just one negative online review can make you lose up to 25% of potential customers, while positive comments and reviews can increase sales by at least 18%? This is why it’s crucial to manage your business’s online reputation, especially on Yelp, which has […]

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How Online Reviews Will Affect Your Business

Online reviews for your business can be a powerful tool in your arsenal to gain new customers or clients or simply tap in unexplored markets. Regardless of who you are, chances are people will “google” you before they even meet you and form an opinion on you or your business. Because of this, we compiled […]

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